For better results

Nearly every company has some room for improvement, but when it comes to day-to-day business, there often isn't time for proper, in-depth analyses.

At SINCERIUS, we have the knowledge and experience to take a broad, fresh look at a company. We craft targeted analyses to map out the best strategy. That means we don't just look at the numbers, we dive into to the world behind them, as well. We research, interpret, and make specific, validated recommendations.

Our enterprising, innovative approach helps companies live up to their full potential and to improve their performance.

Our professionals

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Evert van Anken

Performance Improvement
Financial Due Diligence
More about Evert van Anken

Thomas Daemen

Performance Improvement
Financial Due Diligence
More about Thomas Daemen
Director Financial Due Diligence

Wouter Goedknegt

Performance Improvement
Financial Due Diligence
More about Wouter Goedknegt

Meet our team of experienced advisors – dedicated professionals who combine their years of transactional experience with strong data analytics skills. For an innovative, pragmatic approach.

Performance improvement

Our professional team helps realise margin improvements and cost savings, and improve working capital management and operational processes. We bring together years of experience in transaction services and Business Intelligence (BI) expertise to leverage the wealth of available data and provide even more added value. We offer a wide range of services as part of performance improvement, including reporting improvement, operational improvement, and working capital management.
Reporting Improvement

Reporting Improvement

With a comprehensive data set and reports designed to focus on the most important management information, everyone in the organisation will be on the same page and the company is ready for the next step. Our data-driven approach provides:

  • Insight in key value drivers that equalise stakeholder goals within the organization.
  • A reliable data set for analysis and reporting by implementing checks and balances - crucial for auditing obligations or to prepare for a possible sale.
  • Monthly management reports focused on essential control information.
  • Reduced dependency on DMS, making a post-sale transfer more efficient or making it easier for the DMS to take a step back from daily operations.
Operational Improvement

Operational Improvement

In addition to our data-driven approach, we focus on the personal side, coming alongside the organisation and building on existing staff and management knowledge. We identify quick wins as well as changes that take more time to implement. With Operational Improvement we focus on things like:

  • Margin Improvement through:
    • profitability analysis of different products and/or activities, including direct and indirect costs;
    • internal process analysis to identify efficiency opportunities;
    • supplier analysis;
    • sales price optimisation.
  • Identifying growth potential.
  • Cost savings based on benchmarking and historical analysis.
  • Company-specific capabilities.

We believe in the advice we give and are always willing to assist with the implementation.

Working capital management

Working capital management

Experience has taught us that working capital management is often ripe for improvement or opens up additional opportunities. Collaborating with specialists delivers short- and long-term results:

  • More insight into costs and liquidity with pragmatic cash flow forecasting tools that help regain control of working capital.
  • Optimised working capital management that ultimately improves the company's liquidity.
  • Insight into what is going well and what can be improved. Our business intelligence tool provides up-to-date, automated insight into working capital, letting you remain focused.

By unlocking trapped cash, the changes fund themselves and the costs are recouped over time. And if we haven't found opportunities for improvements or savings? Then we'll be honest with you - we aim to live up to our name.



Our approach is pragmatic, professional, and transparent. We understand entrepreneurship and we do more than just crunch numbers. We come up with creative solutions that go the extra mile.

We aren't afraid to get our hands dirty and embed with the organisation, so we can tailor our output to your specific situation and needs.

Our transaction experience combined with innovative BI methodology provides an innovative and data-driven approach that creates added value.

When is performance improvement useful?

Our performance improvement methodology brings added value to every phase of a company or investment. We help you get the maximum value out of an M&A sale, get off to a running start after an acquisition, or empower a company take the next step (in turnover growth or profitability, for example). Because not every company is the same, we'll gladly adapt our services to the specific wants and needs of each individual project.
M&A Ready

M&A Ready

Plenty of companies are approaching a sale but aren't fully prepared. There is a range of benefits that come with preparing in advance:

  • You get the maximum value out of the deal by optimising margins, reducing costs, freeing up cash through working capital management, and reassuring potential buyers.
  • Reduced dependency on the DMS, insight into the key value drivers, and reliable monthly reports make for a smoother transition.
  • You save on transaction costs. Building a reliable data set cuts down on questions from other advisors and requests for information during the due diligence phase.
After an acquisition

After an acquisition

After an acquisition, it is important to get off to a running start and make an immediate impact. Collaboration with our advisers provides:

  • Insight into key value drivers, including profitability of activities and/or products, margin analyses, and growth potential.
  • The implementation/optimization of management reports and closing procedures, including important checks and balances, and a focus on essential control information. This is crucial for both daily operations and possible future audit requirements.
  • Formulated and implemented improvement plans for margin improvement, cost savings, working capital management, and operational process improvement.
The next step

The next step

We know better than anyone that entrepreneurs and investors are always looking towards a company's next step. Sometimes it never comes, or doesn't come quickly enough. We support them in taking that next step, or getting there faster. Our advisors provide:

  • Insight: essential to actually being able to accelerate the pace . That could mean insight into key value drivers, the profitability of the business activities, and margin analyses.
  • Implementation (or optimization) of management reports and closing procedures. To keep the focus on essential management information.
  • Drawing up and implementing concrete improvement plans for operational processes, margin improvement, cost savings, and working capital management.
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Our data-driven approach

Performance improvement starts with numbers, with data. SINCERIUS Business Insight, our business intelligence tool, makes data accessible and brings it together to form a complete picture. Financial and operational information from all available sources is unlocked and combined.

A single click brings all of your reports and analyses into one clear dashboard: for real-time insight into the company's performance.