This disclaimer has been translated into English. If the English disclaimer shows discrepancies with the Dutch version, the Dutch version is decisive.
The content of this website has been compiled with care by SINCERIUS Transaction Services B.V. (‘SINCERIUS’) for general informational purposes. The content of this website cannot be regarded as financial or any other professional advice. For this reason, SINCERIUS cannot accept any liability for whatsoever consequences of any actions taken by any party in reliance of this website.
The information provided does not confer any rights. SINCERIUS cannot and does not guarantee that the website does not contain errors or omissions or that it will remain accessible without interruption. To the extent permitted by law, neither SINCERIUS, its affiliates nor any other provider of information accepts any liability whatsoever arising from the contents of this Website, for any information provided on or via them or for the consequences of any actions taken by any party in reliance on this Website. SINCERIUS accepts no liability whatsoever for the content of websites that it does not maintain itself and to which it provides links from its own website or from which links are provided to its own website.
SINCERIUS values your privacy and the protection of your personal information. SINCERIUS will solely use the information you provide to us for previously determined purposes, in accordance with the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act (WBP) and other privacy legislation.
It is possible to access this website anonymously. Only if you send an email to us, we receive your personal information. If SINCERIUS sends you an email, we will use your personal details only to answer your questions of respond to remarks.
SINCERIUS Transaction Services B.V. is registered with the (Dutch) Chamber of Commerce under Trade Register number 61686417. All services provided by SINCERIUS are subject to our General Conditions, which have been registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
This website and its contents are the intellectual property of SINCERIUS. Save for personal non-commercial purposes, it is not allowed to copy, download, publish or in any way distribute or multiply the information on this website without prior written permission of SINCERIUS.